What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is a form of rehabilitative healthcare that aims to promote and restore motor and developmental skills through exercises and activities. During a physical therapy session, physical therapists assess a patient’s movement limitations, set therapy goals, and create a rehabilitative regimen using various forms of training, exercise, adaptive equipment, and assistive technology. Participating in physical therapy for cerebral palsy is a popular, effective way to restore motor abilities, adapt to physical limitations, and improve overall function.

If your child was injured from an instance of medical negligence and now requires physical therapy for cerebral palsy or another birth injury, he or she may be entitled to a personal injury or medical malpractice claim. We encourage you to reach out to our Detroit, Michigan cerebral palsy lawyers to learn about your legal options. Contact Michigan Cerebral Palsy Attorneys in any of the following ways and our team of birth injury attorneys will review your case for free.

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How Does Physical Therapy Benefit Individuals with Cerebral Palsy?

Children with cerebral palsy experience limitations in movement, participation, and activity every day. Physical therapy aims to strengthen and condition the patient’s primary limb and core muscles in order to restore and increase mobility.

Physical therapies are particularly helpful when coupled with other forms of treatment and therapy, such as surgery or recreational therapy. Physical therapists should work closely with other medical professionals in order to establish a tailored, achievable comprehensive treatment plan for the child.

What Are the Goals of Physical Therapy for Cerebral Palsy?

The various exercises and activities included in physical therapy regimens are designed to:

  • Prevent any consequent physical limitations or injuries caused by spasticity or restricted mobility
  • Increase range of motion and flexibility
  • Improve balance and coordination
  • Increase strength and muscle tone
  • Maximize independence and build confidence

Physical Therapy Exercises

  • Daily range-of-motion (ROM) exercises delay or prevent spasticity-induced contractures (when joints are permanently shortened). Daily ROM exercises also maintain joint mobility and soft tissue.
  • Stretching exercises help increase a child’s range of motion.
  • Progressive resistance exercises increase strength.
  • Knee extensor muscle strengthening exercises help improve crouching and stride length.
  • Postural and motor control training helps children follow a normal sequence of developmental milestones—postural and motor control therapy first seeks to achieve head and neck control before moving to lower body (trunk) control.
  • Kinesio taping (elastic therapeutic tape) can reeducate muscles for stretching and strengthening.
  • Electrical stimulation strengthens weakened muscles and maintains muscle size. It is mostly tolerated by and helpful for older children.
  • Vibration and short-term tendon heating and cooling can help to decrease spasticity.

Legal Help for Cerebral Palsy and Birth Injury

Detroit, Michigan Cerebral Palsy Lawyers Representing Victims of Medical Malpractice

When a loved one is affected by cerebral palsy or another birth injuries, parents or guardians have to meet expensive medical bills, confront time consuming rehabilitation procedures, and face extreme emotional burdens. While a number of birth complications are the result of medical negligence, few families will ever pursue the legal action necessary to secure important resources for therapy, treatment, and lifestyle adjustments. If you believe your loved one’s birth injury resulted from an instance of medical malpractice, please contact our experienced cerebral palsy lawyers for a free case evaluation. Our birth injury attorneys are available to speak with your 24/7. You may call us toll-free at (888) 592-1857, Live Chat with a representative, or fill out this online contact form.

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