Legal Help for Cerebral Palsy (CP) in Detroit, Michigan

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological condition that affects muscle movement and coordination. Sometimes, it may also cause impairments in thinking and perceptual processes. When cerebral palsy is a result of traumatic birth injuries or complications, it is often marked by not only the typical muscle stiffness, contractions and spasms, but also intellectual and developmental disabilities, decreased muscle mass, speech and language difficulties, seizures, and skeletal deformities. Sometimes cerebral palsy is caused from damage to an infant’s brain prior to or after birth but it is most often associated with labor and delivery. Regardless of when it occurs, it is the physician’s responsibility to act within the medical standards of care to identify and minimize complications that may lead to brain injury. When a physician does not act swiftly or appropriately and permanent damage occurs to the infant, this may be medical malpractice. Throughout this page, the Detroit cerebral palsy lawyers from our birth injury law firm will discuss the basics of cerebral palsy and provide some information on how to seek legal help. Please reach out to our Detroit cerebral palsy lawyers with any questions, concerns, or case inquiries.

If you experienced a particularly difficult or complicated birth in a Detroit hospital and your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy or another disability, the Detroit cerebral palsy lawyers at Michigan Cerebral Palsy Attorneys can help. We are Detroit cerebral palsy lawyers dedicated solely to birth injury and CP cases, and our legal and medical team has the specific experience and knowledge necessary to win birth trauma cases. Contact us in any of the following ways and our Detroit cerebral palsy lawyers will help you obtain the compensation you and your child need for a secure future.

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The Causes of Birth-Related Brain Injury

Our Detroit Cerebral Palsy Lawyers Explain Medical Malpractice in Detroit, Michigan

Detroit Cerebral Palsy Lawyers - Legal Help for CP in MichiganIn 2012, there were more than 10,000 babies born in Detroit hospitals. Most of these births were uncomplicated and the baby was delivered healthy. Unfortunately, many experienced traumatic births or complications that resulted in cerebral palsy. While premature birth is perhaps the most highly recognized reason for cerebral palsy (a preemie’s risk of developing CP is about 30 times as great as a full-term baby), it’s not the only cause.

There are actually a number of complications that may arise during pregnancy, labor and delivery that can result in cerebral palsy and other birth injuries. Medical professionals have a duty to identify these conditions and quickly act to eliminate the potential harm to the infant and mother. Below our Detroit cerebral palsy lawyers will discuss the most common of these complications:

Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), sometimes called birth asphyxia, is a known cause of cerebral palsy. HIE is a condition where the brain receives inadequate oxygen and neurological damage results. There are a number of complications that can occur during the labor and delivery process that – if not managed by physicians appropriately – can cause HIE. This includes umbilical cord injuries like the cord being wrapped around the baby’s neck; abnormalities or conditions with the placenta such as an abruption or tear; uterine rupture or tear; untreated problems in the mother like preeclampsia (high blood pressure) or infection; and a difficult labor and delivery due to a baby’s large size or incorrect position. Below is a description of these conditions and others known to cause oxygen deprivation and resultant cerebral palsy:

  • Maternal infections such as Group B Strep can be passed to the baby (either during vaginal delivery or through the placenta) and can attack the unborn baby’s brain cells. This could potentially result in disorders and disabilities such as cerebral palsy.
  • Placental abruption is when the placenta completely or partially separates or tears away from the mother’s uterus prior to delivery. Because the placenta is responsible for delivering oxygen to the fetus, an abruption can cause a reduction or complete deprivation. Bleeding is typical with this condition and, in general, the more blood that results from the abruption, the more severe the oxygen deprivation and potential for brain damage.
  • Normally, the placenta is attached to the top part of the uterus away from the cervix. Occasionally, however, the placenta will attach to the uterus lower, partially or completely block the cervix. This is called placenta previa. When this occurs, a vaginal birth is not possible. If undiagnosed and labor is allowed, there is a chance that hemorrhaging may occur as the cervical opening becomes wider and uterine activity progresses. This may lead to a severe loss of oxygen to the baby.
  • Ruptured uterus. A uterine rupture or tear occurs when contractions associated with attempted vaginal delivery following a cesarean section cause the uterus to tear open. Often this pushes the unborn baby into the mother’s abdomen and causes a lack of oxygen to the baby.
  • Umbilical cord prolapse is simply the umbilical cord beating the baby down the birth canal. When the cord descends prior to the baby, a sudden reduction in oxygenated blood being passed from the placenta to baby can occur. Other umbilical cord problems such as a nuchal cord (the cord being wrapped around the baby’s neck) or compression from excessive uterine contractions (often caused by Pitocin overdose), can also result in HIE and CP.
  • High blood pressure in pregnant women is called preeclampsia. This condition may cause a reduced blood flow from the mother’s placenta to the baby.
  • Prematurity. Preterm infants are vulnerable because their organs are not fully developed, increasing the risk of hypoxic injury to the brain. Statistics show that in Detroit, approximately 14.3% of all births are premature.
  • Fetal distress is a generic term used to describe a baby’s inability to cope well with the demands of labor. Most often associated with abnormal heart rate tracings, fetal distress is usually a sign that an emergency C-section is warranted. Failing to identify fetal distress or swiftly perform a necessary C-section can lead to HIE and CP.
  • After 37 weeks of pregnancy, the surface area and function of the placenta decreases. This means the placenta is less efficient at supplying blood and oxygen to the baby, which poses an increased risk for hypoxic ischemic injury. Also, past due babies are larger and have an increased risk of cord compression and meconium aspiration, which also can cause severe oxygenation problems. If a baby is very large, a vaginal delivery can be difficult, which may prompt the use of forceps or vacuum extractors, which increase the chances of head trauma.
  • Trauma during labor and delivery may also result in cerebral palsy when the trauma causes hemorrhages (brain bleeds). Some specific conditions and complications that may cause hemorrhages:
    • Complications related to the baby’s size or position such as breech (where the baby enters the birth canal buttocks or feet first instead of normal head down position) or cephalopelvic disproportion (baby’s head is too big to fit through mother’s pelvis).
    • Forceps and vacuum extractor injuries. Incorrect placement of forceps on the baby’s head may cause compression and resultant brain bleeds, hemorrhages. Similar problems happen if the suction cup of the vacuum extractor is not placed correctly.

Whether your loved one was injured as a result of these complications or another incident, we are here to help. Our Detroit cerebral palsy lawyers will provide you with a free case review, determine the cause of your loved one’s injuries, and inform you of your legal options. Contact the Detroit cerebral palsy lawyers at our birth injury law firm here.

Detroit Cerebral Palsy and Birth Injury Attorneys

Detroit Cerebral Palsy Lawyers Representing Victims of Medical Malpractice in Michigan

Detroit is home to a number of world-renowned hospitals and medical institutions such as Henry Ford Hospital and the Detroit Medical Center. Despite the prestige of these institutions, mistakes still occur each and every day by medical staff. If you believe your child’s cerebral palsy or other birth injury may have been preventable, call the Detroit cerebral palsy lawyers at Michigan Cerebral Palsy Attorneys. We only handle cerebral palsy and birth injury cases and promise to aggressively pursue the care your child deserves.

Call our Detroit cerebral palsy lawyers for a free evaluation of your case at (888) 592-1857, or speak with our Detroit cerebral palsy lawyers online here. In the meantime, please review this site for more medical information concerning cerebral palsy. Additionally, we encourage you to check out our list of Detroit agencies and organizations that provide assistance to families coping with a cerebral palsy or disability diagnosis. Our Detroit cerebral palsy lawyers look forward to assisting your family!

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