Classifying Cerebral Palsy Based on Motor Type

When faced with a cerebral palsy diagnosis for the first time, many patients and families have questions about the condition’s severity and side effects. Because cerebral palsy often manifests itself in impairments to movement and limb control, many patients and families aren’t aware that the disability actually results from an injury or malformation to the developing brain. Fortunately, the collection of research and educational resources available to those affected by cerebral palsy will help put this important information within reach. In this post, we’ll introduce the most common method used to categorize different types of cerebral palsy—the motor function classification system.

The severity, causes, and impacts of cerebral palsy range widely—accordingly, there are a few different ways to classify cerebral palsy. The motor function classification system is the most commonly used system for categorizing a patient’s specific type of cerebral palsy. This classification system is based on one’s ability to move and control various parts of the body and reflects how injuries to different regions of the brain result in corresponding impairments to movement, muscle tone, reflex, posture, and control.

At Michigan Cerebral Palsy Attorneys, we recognize how complicated it can be to understand the different classification systems used to distinguish types of cerebral palsy—whether you have personally experienced a cerebral palsy diagnosis, have a loved one with cerebral palsy, or simply want to widen your understanding of the condition, we encourage you to refer to our user-friendly motor function classification chart below. Understanding a patient’s specific type of cerebral palsy is crucial when choosing and funding treatment and therapy options, and it is even more important when pursuing legal action for those cases of cerebral palsy caused by medical malpractice. As you read through this visualization and our other information about cerebral palsy and its classification systems, don’t hesitate to contact our birth injury lawyers with questions, concerns, or scheduling requests for a free legal consultation. You may reach us online or call us toll-free at (888) 592-1857.

Types of Cerebral Palsy

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